Legacy Kids

Legacy Church offers three classes for children: Quivers (Babies - 2), Arrows (3 - PreK), Legacy Kids (K - 5th Grade).  Energetic worship, interactive lessons, and small groups help to make every Sunday a memorable experience.

Each week, every child receives a guide to help them and their parents discuss the week's lesson.  This makes for great one-on-one time during the week.

Legacy Kids worshipping

Legacy Kids



Legacy Church takes Children's Ministry seriously.  It's our top priority.  A safe environment is available every service.  Every volunteer has passed a state and national background check.  Our Children's Ministry department is locked and secure during services.  No one can enter without the appropriate tag.  Sign your child in at the beginning of service and provide your tag to pickup your child at the conclusion.  

Beware: Your child may not want to go home!